Play Therapy

why play therapy

It is a common question, how does play become therapy? Play Therapy is a technique used to help children express what is troubling them when they do not have the verbal language to express their thoughts and feelings. Children play naturally, they imitate and process what they see from the world aroung them and create in fantasy their inner conflicts or dysfunctional thinking. The play therapist observes, interacts, and participates allowing the child to be heard, not judged, in order to process these thoughts and feelings. 

When a child first comes to see me, I will briefly talk with them about why mom or dad has brought them to therapy. I will let them know that what they have to share is just between us as counseling is a safe place for children to share complex emotions. I will introduce them to the playroom and demonstrate various way they can share their thoughts and feelings through the medium of play. 

Some kids prefer to just talk. This is OK. There is no pressure or requirement to draw or tell stories in order for therapy to work with a child. 

Parent Sessions: Asking for help for your child is a loving act that takes courage and knowing that parenting isn’t easy. Helping your child is a team effort. The therapist needs the parent to fill in information that the child can not communicate. As a team we will work together to create a treatment plan, check in regularly to ensure progress is recognized, and to coordinate if or when new concerns arise. 

Monthly parent sessions are highly recommended. Please schedule on a different day than your child’s session. Parent sessions are confidential and follow the same rules of confidentiality as your child’s sessions. Information exchanged includes, but not limited to; observations in sessions, possible mental health diagnosis, recommendations for continuity of care, and future therapeutic methods.

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